[Sing this to the beat of everything is awesome] THIS IS MOTHER F***ING AWESOME. In a submachine. wooooooo. 3,2,1,go. Have you heard the news, Mateusz-Skutnik is awesome.Life is good, cuz sub 10 coming out soon...
[Sing this to the beat of everything is awesome] THIS IS MOTHER F***ING AWESOME. In a submachine. wooooooo. 3,2,1,go. Have you heard the news, Mateusz-Skutnik is awesome.Life is good, cuz sub 10 coming out soon...
Dear JonBro,
I love all of your games so much, but why did you call off the riddle transfer 2 project when you knew that all of your fans and I were counting on it ? So... please tell me that you'll consider getting back behind that computer animation window and make us proud.
Please send message to me affirming if you will continue or just let us all lose our hopes,
From the most hopeful high-schooler in the world,
I've written a lot about this here and there. A lot of information can be found on my site.
This page is a pretty good summary of what happened with Riddle Transfer 2:
This page expands specifically on why I chose to cancel it:
As for "getting behind that computer animation window", I never left! I've been planning and working on brand new stuff with every chance I get. I wish I knew when any of the new things I have planned will get finished, but I'm excited for when that happens.
fun little game
I love your games so much
I absolutely love this game. It has a very emotional backbone supported by the reality of making the hard choices in life and taking risks.
This taught me that you have two options in life; risk dying alone or saving yourself, or die alongside a friend with no hope of surviving.
With tears of joy,
pretty sweet game.
great game but too short.
I love all of your games because they are extremely complex and have an out-of-this-world plot line...
and I don't even know much about the plot line.
This really gives the mind something to work when school is out, for it is both stressing yet relaxing with a seemingly mysterious feeling of suspense and danger.
This game can be so intense and absorbing that you can feel like your in it yourself. (I did once and it was heart-pounding!)
This game is a blessing for all, and in return, may god bless you Mateusz-Sutnik.
Written with heart, mind, body and soul,
Age 24, Male
Joined on 4/5/13